Spida Machinery was established in 1978 and since then we’ve continued to grow and have progressively moved into larger premises at different stages of our journey, in order to meet this growth. 2023 has been a big year for us, when at the end of June, we moved into a brand new, much larger facility in Tauriko.

The Need
We had outgrown where we were; we needed more production space, we wanted to increase our manufacturing capabilities and we wanted to house all our team together, under one roof.
The end result - a modern, beautifully designed, extremely functional, purpose-built office and manufacturing facility at 110 Poturi Street, Tauriko, New Zealand (not far from where we were!).
The Solution
Working alongside talented architects, builders and interior designers, we’ve created a wonderful new home! Our new state of the art facility is 3600 sqm and boasts offices, meeting and huddle rooms, a Board room, large carpark, and of course an impressive factory for our manufacturing, storage and growth needs.
We’re excited to be in our new facility and value the number of benefits it provides for our staff and our customers.
- Increase to space – our last facility was 1800 sqm so this new facility is double the size! As well as production space, we’re also benefiting from increased space for Research and Development and increased lifting capability – adding a second gantry crane for the bigger loads.
- Increase to manufacturing capability – the new space sees us add additional powder coating and sand blasting capability, a complete custom set up. This allows us to bring this function inhouse, providing full control – removing any reliance on other parties and helps immensely with planning and scheduling. Also, the electrical team have purpose-built, climate-controlled rooms to work in.
- Accommodates our people – and we’re growing! Not only does our new facility allow for the growth we’ve had in our team, but it also allows us to bring all our teams together. Having our R&D, design, software, electrical and manufacturing teams under the same roof is invaluable!
- Ease of Access – our new facility sees a large canopy area which is perfect for all weather, unpacking and loading of trucks. Plus, we’re now accredited for MPI Biosecurity so we can de-van large containers under the canopy! Also, the new one-way, entrance and exit makes it much more convenient and safer for the large vehicles coming in and out of our facility.
Kristy Belfield, Production Manager NZ says:
“The team are settling in well to the new space we are enjoying having all the departments together in one building. Like anything new, there’s a bit of a settling in phase, but we’re just excited we’re in now and we’re looking forward to what the future brings. Watch this space!”.
While the boxes are unpacked, the machinery set up and everyone settling in, it was no small feat to move the business from the old premise to the new large-scale facility. Kristy Belfield, and Jono Kent Workshop Manager (NZ) were integral with the transition to the new building.
Wendy Boyd, Chief Customer Officer, Spida Machinery Group acknowledges the efforts of the team to make the transition so successful:
“Kristy and Jono worked incredibly hard on all facets of the move, from organising, to purchasing equipment, to the actual move and going forward to getting everything safe and functional in the new building. They and the team surrounding them, were amazing!”
And of course, it’s not just the Spida team and those making deliveries that will benefit, but our customers as well! At the end of the day, the need for the new facility, the well thought out design and increase to manufacturing capabilities, was all to continue our ethos of providing the best possible solutions to our customers!