Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw

Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw


Set and forget as the Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw one touch automation, means the operator loads each frame and lets the machine do the rest. With the capability of shooting up to 10 nails per second from all 5 guns, and clamping and straightening studs from the underside to prevent shiners, this machine delivers a perfectly sheathed wall in minutes. A fantastic addition to your wall frame line, providing sheathing without being labour intensive.


The Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw is the ultimate machine to have towards the end of your wall frame line. This machine keeps up with the Wall Extruder and can be used for any common walls and most raked walls.

One Person Operation

The software control and automation of the Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw provides great efficiency to your factory. The operator simply loads each frame then the machine does the rest, so the operator can spend time on other tasks.

Prevents Shiners

Don’t waste precious time unnailing and then renailing! The Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw dramatically reduces shiners occurring - providing a smooth, efficient process at the end of your wall assembly.

Cutting Tabs

The Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw provides cutting tabs rather than complete cuts. This makes the wall panels easier to transport and you’ll have reduced waste at your factory as the cuts are punched out on the construction site.

Footprint - top view

Sheather 5 Gun 2 SawDownload Footprint


  • Fully automated, CNC machine
  • 5 high speed nail guns comprised of 2 fixed and 3 floating gun mounts
  • 2 saws which provide cutting tabs with a max cutting depth of 45mm
  • Automatically clamps and straightens studs during fixing
  • Nail guns rotate 90 degrees for horizontal nailing
  • Nail guns tilt 15 degrees for ease of nailing joins
  • Can fire maximum 90mm nails
  • Wall frame is moved under fixed gun bridge
  • Movable auto table to allow for different frame sizes – maximum 6m frame length
  • Software accurately time stamps panels
  • Designed for 1 person operation
  • Interlocked safety guarding and safety belt
  • 24” industrial touch screen
  • Dust extraction ducting
  • Perfectly paired with the Build Table
  • Also available for maximum frame height of 4800mm
  • Dust Collector
  • If you’re not wanting the cutting capability, then ask us about our Sheather with 5 guns, no saws.


If you have any questions or would like to understand how the Sheather 5 Gun 2 Saw will provide efficiencies for your factory, let us know.

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