Rapid Stop Plate-Marker

Rapid Stop Plate-Marker


The Rapid Stop Plate-Marker is designed to provide an automated and accurate method of measuring and marking intersecting members in wall frames.

Save time and money with the Rapid Stop suite of machinery – dramatically reducing the time spent measuring lengths and eliminating the wastage associated with incorrect measuring.

KEY BENEFITS OF THE Rapid Stop Plate-Marker

If you’re looking for a machine that’s simple to operate, accurate and includes plate-marking, then the Rapid Stop Plate-Marker is a great addition to your factory.


As the name says, the Rapid Stop Plate-Marker includes benefits of the machines in the Rapid Stop Series with the added addition of plate-marking of intersecting members.

Reduce Waste

Given the accuracy of the Rapid Stop Plate-Marker, you’ll experience less waste at your factory as you won’t be doing rework due to incorrect measuring.

Easy to Use

The Rapid Stop Plate-Marker is simple to use and the operator can follow the jobs that appear on the touchscreen.

Rapid Stop Plate-Marker

Footprint - top view

Rapid Stop Plate-MarkerDownload Footprint
  • Ideal for timber processors looking to automate the measuring of lengths
  • Stop is accurate to within +/- 0.5mm
  • Easy operation of stop with touch screen
  • Automated operation. Simply cut from the list on screen as generated from the detailing office
  • Easily fitted to any Spida saw to automate the measuring function
  • Plastic table top
  • Customisable length options to suit your plant requirements
  • Pneumatic and manual plate marker available
  • Can be fitted to most saws
  • Also available as a Roller Table

If you have any questions or would like to understand how the Rapid Stop Plate-Marker will provide efficiencies for your factory, let us know.

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