The Conveyor Overframe and Pusher is used for an automated process to feed assembled stud/nog, stud/stud combinations to the Wall Extruder from the 3 Head Nog Nailer or Component Nailer. This allows fast and accurate material handling from one process to another, to improve production efficiency.
The Conveyor Overfame and Pusher fits right at home in your Spida wall frame solution. Its clever design means you’ll be maximising the space you have available in your plant!
The Conveyor Overframe and Pusher is the perfect companion to your WallExtruder. It allows for controlled movement and transfer of frames, from your 3 Head Nog Nailer or Component Nailer to the operator.
It allows for quick delivery of frame components to the operator, utilising overhead space for efficient footprint size.
Ergonomic Design
The clever design of the Conveyor Overframe and Pusher removes manual handling and delivers the frame to the operator at optimal height.
If you have any questions or would like to understand how the Conveyor Overframe and Pusher will provide efficiencies for your factory, let us know.
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